1. How can I find the app for BT Master?
Dear user, please download BatteryLab app to pair your device and perform battery test.
2. Where can I purchase print papre for BT600/BT300P?
Dear user, please contact the device seller to purhcase the print papre, or you can purchase online, the size is 57mm*25mm.
3. How many times can a roll of printing paper be printed?
For your information, it can be printed for about 80 times.
4. What does the test result "Good Charge" mean?
Dear user, this result means the battery is in good health status, but it needs to be charged.
Dear user, the port at the bottom is used to test the function of the device before leaving the factory, and is not used to connect updates or transfer data.
6. What is the testing range of Topdon battery testers?
Dear user, the testing range is 30AH - 220AH.
7. Are there any differences among BT Mobile/BT Mobile lite /BT Mobile pro/BT Mobile proS?
Dear user, there is no difference in function between these three devices.
They all support battery test, cranking test, and charging test;
BTMobile/BTMobile lite can only be used on mobile phones, and BTMobile pro fits mobile phones and tablets. BTMobile pros can only be used on Topdon diagnostic Phoenix tools.
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